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Sanitizing And Safety Protocols 

Re-creating the cleanest, safest, and healthiest place in Gainesville.

While we were closed for two months in the spring, we used the opportunity to look into the future and determine how we would handle the air quality, cleaning products and systems, and institute physical distancing, so we could keep our members and employees safe and healthy. 

safety and cleaning protocols

Safest And Cleanest All-Natural Disinfectant

GHF continues to give its members, staff and guests the comfort in being in the cleanest and safest environment. The latest breakthrough product, Viking Pure, is used through our gyms and is lethal to bacteria and viruses that threaten our health. 

Are Gyms Safe? Is GHF Safe? 

There are stories out there about gyms being a source of COVID-19 virus transmission. After reading the articles and emails, looking at survey methods, and interacting with hundreds of gyms across the country that are part of our large fitness industry association, there is nothing to indicate outbreaks are connected to fitness centers. Reading the articles carefully indicates a presumption of virus spread under certain conditions, but lack definitive data proving gyms are a hot spot.

We are committed not only to the health of our staff and members, but also the Gainesville community. We are local, just like you, and realize we must do everything in our power to contain the virus while helping people exercise and remain healthy during the pandemic and beyond.

Here’s what we are doing. 

Gyms Are Designed To Prevent Spread Of Germs And Viruses

People have been sweating and breathing hard in health clubs forever so this has always been taken into consideration with the design of facilities starting with air quality. This design feature is critical during the pandemic.

There are two things that are of concern. One is the exchange rate of the air meaning how often fresh air from the outside is pulled into the environment. We’ve had our systems thoroughly checked. We exchange the air in our center every 6 minutes. The second component is humidity. What makes the outdoors safe is the humidity levels. The humidity is what stops droplets from traveling long distances. The ideal level of humidity is 40 to 60 percent. Ours is 57 percent.

The Quest To Be The Healthiest Place In Gainesville

When we were closed back in March 2020, we immediately began implementing every known means of stemming the virus in our centers. We checked out NASA and hospital surgery centers to learn how they keep their environments clean.

· We learned Ultraviolet Light was the best means to kill any viruses before they went through the AC system so we had UV lighting installed throughout our systems.

· We were aware of fans that pushed air through UV lighting and had multiple units installed throughout our centers as added protection.

· We purchased electrostatic cleaners to protect all of our equipment surfaces from transfer through touch.

· We doubled the number of hand sanitizers throughout the clubs.

· We exchange air with the fresh, outdoor air in our center every 6 minutes.

· Cleaning and sanitizing of the equipment is done throughout the day by our staff as well as our members.

· Everything needed for cleaning our equipment is available to everyone.

We had massive testing done by a major research center to detect COVID-19 in the air during our busiest times. Never a trace. 

We feel 100 percent comfortable that all the actions we have taken have produced the results we been hoping and planning for. Though all the steps we’ve implemented give us the healthiest environment from a facility stand point and allow us to successfully exist, it’s not the reason we do exist. 

Our core purpose is to create an experience that helps people get the most out of life and inspires them to become their best.

Exercise Fights Disease Including COVID-19

As everyone has learned, people with the strongest immune systems survive this virus at an extremely high level. Though we can’t control all aspects of a person’s health we can dramatically impact the exercise and stress reduction components of a person’s life. We have the ability to impact the young and the not so young. We have equipment and programming that cannot be replicated with outdoor training. We have staff that are ready to help individuals move toward their fitness goals and build their immune systems. 

There are countless stories of our aging population who, upon their return to the gym, tell us they were living in pain while the quality of their lives continued to decrease. For them, exercise is the difference between life and death. And with the profound effect exercise has on mental health, the gym is a form of therapy to manage stress during the pandemic. 

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to share this information with you so you may be informed on the highest level of cleanliness and safety.


Joe Cirulli

Founder and Owner

How Gyms Are Designed Matters - The Importance Of High Air Quality

We reached out to renowned architect Rudy Fabiano who designed our gyms and did so with air quality and safety in mind.

Rudy Fabiano, founding architect of Fabiano Designs, a full-service architecture and interior design firm, speaks out on the design of health clubs to optimize air quality. 

He has designed over 900 gyms worldwide focusing on the user experience. His designs maximize safety through air quality and spatial features, such as large open areas, proper equipment spacings, and overall attention to the human movements through space. 

He speaks on the architectural design that makes gyms as safe as the outdoors. Gainesville Health & Fitness is one of the gyms he has completely renovated over the past few years which includes these air quality features.



Request Your Free Guest Pass


Your Free Fitness Pass To The Healthiest Place In Town

You will have full membership privileges at any Gainesville Health & Fitness location. There is no charge, no obligation and no risk. There is, however, a chance that you will be inspired--to workout, sweat, connect, and recover.

You can expect the highest level of cleaning protocols in our gyms from UV lighting in fans and AC vents and electrostatic cleaning products to tons of gym wipes. See all cleaning features. Welcome to GHF!

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