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Debbie Lee

Hometown: born in Atlanta Georgia
Education: B.S. in Health Education, M.S. in Health Science Education
Hobbies: tennis, kids, friends, reading, anything outside (not in that order however)
Why you teach: to make it easy and fun for others to work out

TV show/series: White Lotus, true crime shows
Song: anything Queen, Eagles
Restaurant in Gville: Dragonfly, Arashi Yami
Food: anything sushi

Something you are passionate about: helping others realize they can do it.
Motivational quote: Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.
Guilty Pleasure: Pedicures! Sugary treats!
Most embarrassing moment: I really cannot say... out loud

What's one item on your bucket list? Tour Italy
If you could have any super power, what would it be? I would have "I dream of Jeanie" powers
What can you do that most people cannot? Wiggle my ears