The world (I moved everywhere as an Army Brat), but I consider Shelbyville, KY as my hometown.
What do you do?
Set an example others can learn and gain from.
What gets you out of bed each morning?
The thought of my family’s future and the goals we want to achieve. The daily challenges and opportunities to overcome and learn from.
The new people I get to meet and the potential relationships I will gain.
Getting 1% better.
What is your favorite part about your role?
Having the opportunity to discuss why fitness is essential in someone’s life, whether they are a beginner or expert. I can provide a new stepping stone to continue forward in their fitness journey, with my life experience as well as introduce them to the GHF family and all that we provide.
The best piece of advice I've ever been given is:
“It doesn’t happen overnight, but one night it will.” - T. McGee