Knowing how to control bleeding from a serious injury is important for everyone. This year marks the 6th annual National STOP THE BLEED® Month in May. Minutes count! Someone who is severely bleeding can bleed to death in as little as 5 minutes. That’s why bleeding control—keeping the blood inside the body—is the purpose of STOP THE BLEED® training. This workshop is for everyone. Presented by John Nordman, GHF Personal Trainer and owner of Hard Target Solutions.
When: May 25 at 8am, 10am, 12pm, OR 2pm. Each is a 2 hour block. Select 1 block when reigstering.
Where: GHF Main conference room
Cost: Free
Only 10 spots per 2 hour block. Registration required. Email
[email protected].
Hard Target Solutions was founded to give the “best practices” of instruction and consultation in emergency preparedness to schools, businesses, and places of worship. We also offer instruction to private citizens in personal protection, home defense, firearm skills, and how to handle critical incidents like active shooters. We are not like other training companies. We have the skill set, knowledge, and actual operational experience to bring you the best overall instruction that will work for you. We are a full spectrum business. We handle everything from CPR/AED, policy creation, staff workshops, physical security considerations and more.