Monday 3/29
10 Minute Warm Up
10 Minute Warm Up to 70% on Strict Press
Alt E90sec x12min
1) 8 BB Strict Press
2) 6 Chin Ups (weighted, banded, under BB)
*nothing over a red&blue band* I’ve been seeing a lot of “half pull ups” please make sure they pick the right scale!
5 Rounds For Time (14min Cap)
10 Cal Row
5 Shoulder to OH (155/125) (135/95) (95/65)
10 Burpees
Accessory (2-3 sets)
15 Kip Swings
10 Hollow Body Lat Pulldowns
Tuesday 3/30
10 Minute Warm Up
35min AMRAP
800m Run
40yd Bear Crawl
40 Wall Ball Sit Ups
40 Box Step Overs
Accessory (2-3 sets)
SL RDL’s x10ea
Pallof Press Hold x30ec each side
Wednesday 3/31
10 Minute Warm Up
10 Minute Warm Up to 70% of Clean
E2MOM x10min
1) Above Knee Clean + Below Knee Clean + Clean @ 70%
2) Below Knee Clean + Clean @80%
3) Below Knee Clean + Clean @80%
4) Clean @90%
5) Clean @90%
3 Rounds For Time (10min Cap)
10/8 Cal Bike
20 Double DB Front Squats (50/35) (35/25)
20 Toes to Bar (Toes to Rig)
Accessory (2-3 Sets)
Low Back Butterfly stretch x30sec
QHF Stretch x30sec
Thursday 4/1
10 Minute Warm Up
Alt EMOM x10min
1) 30sec Handstand Hold
2) 6 Tempo Ring Rows (3/20)
10min AMRAP
30 DUB’s
10 Push Ups
10 KB Headcutters (50/35) (35/25)
5min Rest
10min AMRAP
30 DUB’s
10 Pull Ups
10 American KB Swings (50/35) (35/25)
*scale to jumping pull ups here*
Accessory (2-3 sets)
Child’s Pose x30sec
Open Book x5ea
Friday 4/2
10 Minute Warm Up
10 Minute Warm Up to 70% of Sumo Deadlift
E3MOM x9min
8 Sumo Deadlifts
5 Ecc Push Ups
E4MOM x16min
200m Run
10 Man Makers (50/35) (40/30) (30/20)
*finishing with less than 1min rest? Take away 2 manmakers*
(1 Man Maker = push up/burpee, row, row, clean & jerk)
Accessory (2-3 sets)
Banded Hamstring Stretches x10ea
Prone Press Ups x10
Saturday 4/3
10 Minute Warm Up
10-15min Rope Climb Skills
- Seated J-hook
- Hanging J-hook & Pull over bar
- Rope Climb Attempts
For Time (20min Cap)
50 Toes to Bar
40 Wall Balls (20/14) (14/10)
30 Power Cleans (155/125) (135/95) (95/65)
20 BMU
200ft SA DB OH Walking Lunge (70/50) (50/35) (35/25)
BMU Options- C2B+Dips
Pull Ups+Dips
Ring Rows+Push Up
Peak Conditioning
Monday 3/29
10 Minute Warm Up
Every 4 minutes for 16 minutes
20 OH Plate Reverse Lunges
15 Heel Elevated Narrow Stance DB Squats
20alt Side Planks
For Time (16min cap)
Double DB Thrusters
Burpee Box Jump Overs
Wednesday 3/31
10 Minute Warm Up
E3MOM for 15 minutes
20 Handstand Shoulder Taps
6-8 Strict Pull Ups
6-8 Strict Push Ups
20 min AMRAP
3, 6, 9, 12, etc
Wall Walks
*400m Run After Every Round *
Saturday 4/3
10 Minute Warm Up
Partner WOD
3 Rounds For Time (35 min cap)
80/60 Cal Assualt Bike
60 Synchro Walking Lunges
40 Wall Balls
20 Synchro Burpees
10 Rope Climbs
BB Warm-up
5 Snatch High-Pull
4 Muscle Snatch + Snatch Push Press
3 Power Snatch + OHS
2 Tempo Snatch (this is a slow pull [3-4 sec] to mid-thigh and then accelerate for snatch)
10 Minutes to warm-up to 70% on Snatch Pull + Snatch + OHS
Every 2 Minutes for 10 Minutes
-Snatch Pull + Snatch + OHS
70%x1+1+1, 74%x1+1+1, 78%x1+1+1, 82%x1+1+1, 86%x1+1+1
10 Minutes to warm-up to 80% on Front Squat
Every 3 Minutes for 18 Minutes
1) Front Squats
80%x5, 85%x3, 90x1x4
2) Leg Curl x15
BB Warm-up
5 Above Knee Clean Pull
4 Above Knee Muscle Clean + FS
3 Below Knee Power Clean + FS
2 Tempo Clean
10 Minutes to warm-up to 70% on Clean Pull + Clean + Front Squat
Every 3 Minutes for 10 Minutes
-Clean Pull + Clean + Front Squat
70%x1+1+1, 74%x1+1+1, 78%x1+1+1, 82%x1+1+1, 86%x1+1+1
10 Minutes to warm-up to 80% on Strict Press
Every 3 Minutes for 18 Minutes
1) Strict Press
80%x5, 85%x3, 90x1x4
2) Pull-up x4
BB Warm-up
5 Strict Press in Split
4 Drop to Split (bar behind neck)
3 Tall Jerk
2 Jerk w/ Pause in Dip
10 Minutes to warm-up to 70% on Jerk Dip w/ Hold in Dip + Jerk w/ Pause in Split + Jerk
Every 2 Minutes for 10 Minutes
-Jerk Dip w/ Hold in Dip + Jerk w/ Pause in Split + Jerk
70%x1+1+1, 74%x1+1+1, 78%x1+1+1, 82%x1+1+1, 86%x1+1+1
12 Minutes to warm-up to 85% on Back Squat
Every 3.5 Minutes for 14 Minutes
1) Back Squat
85%x4, 90%x2, 95%x1x2
2) KB Swing x12